CSS - Comoros Shuttle Express

The CSS Service shuttles between Mutsamudu and Moroni. It is also the only container service serving Pemba Port in Northern Mozambique which positions UAFL as the ideal shipping partner for Oil and Gas projects in the region.

★  Bi-weekly Frequency



Click on any of the port icons in the map below to view the Schedules and Transit Times for that specific port.


Port Information -

MUTSAMUDU 04.01 05.01 06.02 08.02 - - - - - -
MORONI 06.01 08.01 08.02 11.02 - - - - - -
PEMBA 09.01 12.01 11.02 16.02 - - - - - -
Conventional or Container Terminal Total Quay Length Conventional Container Gantry Cranes 24 hrs Pilotage Night Navigation Cargo Operations
Conv. 7 (one to seven) Conv. 1,280m Conv. 13 M Conv. Yes 5-7mt Two shifts-16hs Yes 24 hours
Cont. 4 (eight to eleven) Cont. 720m Cont. 11 M Cont. Yes 35mt Yes Yes 24 hours
Mixed Berth - 1 300 M 9,00M NO (FORKLIFT) Yes Yes 24 hours
2 x conventional terminals = 20 berths 4530 M 5.8 to 12.9 M No Yes Yes 24 hours
2 x container terminals = 12 berths 2645 M 11.9 M Yes Yes Yes 24 hours
2 conventional and container Terminal Mixed 130 M 11.00 M No Yes Normally yes 12h + 3h overtime
Conventional 250 M 4,50 M (high tide) Yes No Yes 2 shifts of 8 hours
Two: cntainer Terminal and 300. M 11.0 M Container - 2 Yes Yes 24 hours 3 shifts
Cabotage berth 150.0 M 6.5 M Cabotage - 0 Yes Yes
1 conventional berth 30 M 4.5 M No
Conventional -16 3044 M 10 M No Yes Yes 24 hours
Container Terminal - 5 964 M 10.4 M 80 MT
One general berth for both 80 M 3.5 M No , Vessel Crane No 12 hrs No 24 hours
One general berth for both 237 M 8.5 max for 174 M and then 3 for 63 M No Yes Yes 24 hours
Conventional - 4 610 M 9.5 M No Yes Yes 24 hours
Container Terminal - 2 372 M 14 M No Yes Yes 24 hours
Container Terminal - 1 150 M Draft Yes No Yes 3 Shift of 8hrs
1 conventional berth 182 M 10 M No Yes Yes 24 hours
Conventional Quay 1 = 125mtrs 11 M No Yes Yes 24 hrs service
Quay 2-4 = 540mtrs Ship's cranes only For Containers Only
Container Terminal 240 M 4.50 M No No No 24 hours
Mixed Conventional and Container Terminal 2 X 500 M 12,00 M Yes 70,00 MT Yes Yes 14 hours
2 Container terminal 356 M 10 M to 10.5M 3 cranes 100mt each Yes Yes Per shift(3 shift /day)
1 tanker post max LOA avilable 200m 12 M No From 06h00 to 16h00 for berthing Sailing out yes Total N°of hours
1 bulk cargo terminal+2 breakbulk cargo berth 170 + 290 M 9.5 M / 8.5 M / 7M No Yes Yes Per shift(3 shift /day)
Mixed Berth - 1 200 M 7,50 M No Daytime No Conv. 12hrs(daytime) Containers 24/ 24 hours
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